Reality in a sentence as a noun

The reality is that there's a lot of book-learning in the world.

The reality is that the odds of me living long enough to see my children grow are quite slim.

Like a cheap sci-fi novel has become reality?Who's the real terrorists in 2013?

The reality is with jitter even on local networks you really have about 7ms to respond.

Why would the largest advertising company in the world want to place a screen between my eyeballs and reality?

You feel you're home....Now, in alternate reality, a nonmathematician-you also tries to read the same paper.

For example, they entered the PMP market when hard drives and batteries were cheap/portable enough to make the iPod a reality.

In reality, it's important in the same way history, literature, and civics is important: it's not.

They will experience reality soon enough and there's absolutely no need to tell them anything they can't understand at their current position.

I find it annoying when someone tries to get me to do some puzzle for an interview or other thought experiments that have little basis in reality.

To use templating that image has to be shrunk, the quality you get through from external sources if often extremely poor, a reality he doesn't seem to have considered.

If you are burned out, you might still be able to feel the joy and excitement briefly at the start of a project/idea, but they will fade quickly as the reality of day-to-day work sets in.

In reality, if any persons - right-thinking or not - are given largely unchecked authority over our lives, abuses will inevitably follow.

I make no assertion about the accuracy of this abstract theory, but I can summarize reality in a much simpler way: many programmers work in businesses where software is a cost center.

Reality definitions


all of your experiences that determine how things appear to you; "his world was shattered"; "we live in different worlds"; "for them demons were as much a part of reality as trees were"

See also: world


the state of being actual or real; "the reality of his situation slowly dawned on him"

See also: realness realism


the state of the world as it really is rather than as you might want it to be; "businessmen have to face harsh realities"


the quality possessed by something that is real