Reactivity in a sentence as a noun

It's quite easy, and you still get reactivity.

Microsofts strategy has, for a long time now, seemed to me to be one of pure reactivity.

Are they still using Francs for their units of reactivity, or did that get changed to Euros as well?

In cases where there is reactivity to gluten, yet coeliac disease and wheat allergy are eliminated as possibilities, gluten sensitivity may be considered.

We're now leaning more towards the ideals in functional-relational programming where reactivity, coordination and state management are handled by a data-centric glue language while computation is handed off to some other partner language.

Here, we studied the reactivity of intermediates of glycolysis and the pentose phosphate pathway upon replicating a plausible chemical composition of the prebiotic Archean ocean.

Cross-reactivity is often an intriguing theory, as many biochemicals are present in more than one organism, but this needs a lot more epidemiological work, and more in-vivo experimental work, before this speculative hypothesis can be considered an established fact.

This would be especially the case if height and GCA and other psychological traits are only single facets of multifaceted traits actually under more systematic genetic regulation, such as overall body size and balance between processing capacity and stimulus reactivity.

It has one of the highest volumetric heat capacities of any pumpable liquid at low temperatures, a very low viscosity and manageable reactivity, and a very low-temperature, high-energy phase transition that we understand well for higher temperature applications, which does not even require exotic pressure conditions to achieve.

Reactivity definitions


responsive to stimulation

See also: responsiveness


ready susceptibility to chemical change