Reaching in a sentence as a noun

Members of the government are always reaching for more and more control over our lives and power to watch us.

My apps have been pretty successful, reaching as high as #32 overall paid on iPhone and #60 overall paid on iPad.

It's easy enough to get system tools to the level of "good enough for you" without ever reaching good enough for everyone.

58, writing more code, having more fun, reaching more people, & making more $ than ever, all of which still seem limitless: edw519's Hacker Quality of Life\n \n | ??

After each title is released, I'd receive a half dozen or so "fan" emails from people who obviously researched the dev team and was reaching out.

Its reaching opens it to much criticism, and rightfully so, but I appreciate it for its ambition.

They believed wealth would be an end-in-itself, and upon reaching that holy grail of financial security, they were struck with the terrible realization that there was no instant nirvana waiting for them.

Reaching definitions


the act of physically reaching or thrusting out

See also: reach stretch


accomplishment of an objective

See also: arrival