Radiography in a sentence as a noun

In Europe we receive ~5 mS per year, ~10 in the US. Pilots and radiography doctors are at ~20-50 mS/year.

Such hi-res monitors are only used for radiography and film at present.

There are also aspects of film radiography that have been very hard to achieve with digital.

How many "normal radiography" equivalents do you get for standing there for a minute?

This reminds me of reject analysis week as a radiography student.

Computed radiography got all the benefits of going digital, but allowed you to keep your X-ray equipment.

After a radiography, x-ray or gamma-ray exposure the things don't become radioactive.

Digital radiography, EKGs, external pacemakers, a lab, etc.

This wouldn't have been very practical in the old days of film-based radiography, but with digital technology you could easily transmit all the images to a third party for reading.

Digital and computed radiography are quite poor examples of progress though, as the resolution is worse and the radiation dose was higher than film radiography.

The guys maintaining the radiation camera are probably with a specialist industrial radiography company, not the big company.

Whilst the overall dose averaged over the entire body is lower in a backscatter X-ray scan than in a typical medical X-ray examination, because of the shielding of the gonads used in medical radiography this in itself does not mean that the dose to the ********* would be less in an airport scan.

[36] In medical radiography the x-ray beam is adjusted to expose only the area of which an image is required, so that generally shielding is applied to the patient to avoid exposing the gonads,[37] whereas in an airport backscatter scan, the ********* of men and boys will be deliberately subjected to the direct beam, and radiation will also reach the ovaries of female subjects.

Proper Noun Examples for Radiography

Radiography students are generally competent for unsupervised chest radiography after about 6 months to a year.

Radiography definitions


the process of making a radiograph; producing an image on a radiosensitive surface by radiation other than visible light

See also: skiagraphy


photography that uses other kinds of radiation than visible light