Quietness in a sentence as a noun

For type 2, the solution is the same, stay in the room for quietness.

I do not grant quietness or AC or build quality or style or safety.

And yes- one of the virtues of staying late in the office is the actual quietness, which is a shame.

I disagree, big, open spaces force a certain quietness.

Which requires a good amount of concentration and quietness.

I too look for quietness and find myself more and more turning off music just to allow myself to think properly.

I would love it if some enterprising person ranked restaurants by a quietness rating.

Especially if you are a programmer you get the peace and quietness you need to get into the flow, no discussion here.

The qualities of quietness and humility lead to learning.

I find the present startup culture to be extremely hostile to quietness, and I'm hoping I can lead a rebellion.

I find night time to contain the quietness I need to let my brain out. I've often wondered if that's artificial and just because everyone else is asleep and not bothering me?

In Bay Area you really need to look for it, to find a place with quietness which is usually far away from highways, roads and apparently people.

I've used anechoic chambers of varying quietness for making high-quality voice recordings a handful of times in the last year.

Libraries tend to have an explicit ethos of quietness, and coffee shops have noise but to me it's more of a background din that's not very distracting.

I find myself completely incapable of thinking when it's quiet because my brain just starts playing music to run away from the quietness.

I consider myself to be pretty introverted, but I find that, in purely social situations, I can get along rather well with extroverts so long they respect my quietness.

Communicating is all good and everything, but academic/research work also require quietness.

People knows for ages that open space is beneficial for a manual, drone work, while for tasks in which so-called intellect must be involved, quietness or even solitude is absolutely necessary.

You can see his entire team jump, then see himself jump, experience the quietness under canopy and realize the technicality of maneuvering such a canopy with many pounds of equipment on you.

It's a little funny that "Zen mode", absolute quietness on screen to focus the mind without any distractions at all, has a little, largely unnecessary widget on screen that you can keep clicking back and forth that lets you change the color scheme.

In fact, many people have actually found the quietness of the A380 engines to be a detriment to the flying experience because suddenly they can hear others' quiet conversations and other such noises that remind you you're tightly packed with 300+ other people.

I think that you also fail to understand how things like space, privacy, quietness, accountability, and yes, aesthetics are shared resources in a city that have to be carefully balanced among ALL people, not just an emotional or sarcastic 1%.

Quietness definitions


the property of making no sound

See also: soundlessness


a state of peace and quiet

See also: tranquillity tranquility quietude