Quadrille in a sentence as a noun

Check out accountants' Journals, they have lined paper rather than quadrille, but they work well.

Then in English the whole explosion when the quadrille arrived from France and began hybridizing with English country dance happened, and then the waltz... Meanwhile in the USA, contradance continued on without that influence.

Analysis of dance instructor commentary, newspaper reporting, letters, interviews, period works of fiction, and other sources also suggest that many people dancing did so very inexpertly, that by the mid-to-late 19th century quadrilles were very unpopular amongst trendier sets, and that dancers often danced in very energetic and rambunctious ways not at all reflected in dance manuals of the era except in their admonitions against doing so.

Quadrille definitions


music for dancing the quadrille


a square dance of 5 or more figures for 4 or more couples