Putrescible in a sentence as an adjective

Anyone that tells you that the SATs are not biased towards native speakers is full of putrescible waste. How much of Russian's vocabulary is "native"?

> Anyone that tells you that the SATs are not biased towards native speakers is full of putrescible waste. > The long, flowery and poetic usages came later, via French, Italian and Latin, the language of the French invaders from 1066.

Anyone that tells you that the SATs are not biased towards native speakers is full of putrescible waste. I used to play this game when I was in high school where I would hand a sizable English/Russian translation book to a friend and tell them to pick any Russian word and I could translate it to English.

Putrescible definitions


liable to decay or spoil or become putrid

See also: decayable putrefiable spoilable