Pulseless in a sentence as an adjective

If someone is being defibrillated, they are either in VFib or pulseless VTach.

How I wish we had some data on the same people, before they had their heart replaced by the new pulseless heart* and then afterwards!

It won't, but there are several shockable rhythms that present as "pulseless" that can indeed be converted.

We shocked him into pulseless electrical activity and then did a three hour futile code because his new wife couldn't grasp the fact her new husband had died right in front of her.

In fact, the only circumstances under which someone should be defibrillated are certain types of pulseless cardiac activity.

Specifically, if this substance actually existed in a working form usable by humans, I could imagine its frequent use in pulseless electrical activity arrest.

Pulseless definitions


appearing dead; not breathing or having no perceptible pulse; "an inanimate body"; "pulseless and dead"

See also: breathless inanimate