Futile in a sentence as an adjective

It's like dating-it's futile to complain about the rules.

If you really want to argue that the web is a surrogate for Gopher, this conversation is futile.

That is where one should look at for disruption, everything else is futile, because it's as lean as possible.

This is probably as futile and misguided as Stallman's effort to get everyone to say "GNU/Linux".

I'm sure WW3 would be completely futile, we'll still have it anyway, but I don't think it'll be this decade and USA vs China or whatever.

Her experience with the medical system was humiliating, futile, and expensive.

Figure out and optimize for the target demographics that convert the bestIn the age of analytics, it is futile to define target audiences before statistics are available.

If there are no restrictions on its usage, this hope becomes futile -- the gatekeepers of privately owned datasets will reap the benefits of contributions to OSM without offering anything in return.

That we're making a generalization out of humanity's life experiences is futile in itself, but alas, the application of said generalization here is far more interesting to me.

Another allusion to the USA maybe WRT having Japan's back?Note if you have the USA play all the parts of WWI then its not much of a WWI anymore, is it?In groups men are by nature irrational not rational, there is nothing inconsistent with the old quote about WWI being impossible because its obviously futile, yet they had a war anyway.

Futile definitions


producing no result or effect; "a futile effort"; "the therapy was ineffectual"; "an otiose undertaking"; "an unavailing attempt"

See also: ineffectual otiose unavailing


unproductive of success; "a fruitless search"; "futile years after her artistic peak"; "a sleeveless errand"; "a vain attempt"

See also: bootless fruitless sleeveless vain