Pseudomonas in a sentence as a noun

This is not universally true for all bacteria, but is mostly true for bacteria like pseudomonas.

A lot of cystic fibrosis patients I know that have been colonized with bacteria, such as pseudomonas, resort to phage therapy.

The same species can be found throughout the world and spread from place to place with great ease, and there will be hundreds of pseudomonas phages capable of infecting any given strain.

I am fairly confident that you could isolate an infectious phage for this pseudomonas strain from many temperate soils or mucky ponds anywhere in the world.

Bacteria like pseudomonas don't really have geographical ranges because they are not just human pathogens- they are prolific in temperate soils throughout the world.

Pseudomonas definitions


type genus of the family Pseudomonodaceae

See also: Pseudomonas