Fibrosis in a sentence as a noun

I have cystic fibrosis, as does my 24 year old son.

I have cystic fibrosis, and have been diagnosed since I was 3.

The media spin-machine quickly turned this into "Teen cures cystic fibrosis" and other such nonsense.

I was diagnosed just before my 36th birthday with a milder classification of it which is emerging and is most often called "atypical cystic fibrosis".

She died from cystic fibrosis, a disease that will most likely be eradicated completely in coming years by gene therapy &c. We should be thankful to live into old age, nevermind immortality, although I'd be surprised of anyone to refuse it considering our standard of life in the developed world.

"Matthews had started a cystic-fibrosis treatment program as a young pulmonary specialist at Babies and Children’s Hospital, in Cleveland, in 1957, and within a few years was claiming to have an annual mortality rate that was less than two per cent.

Fibrosis definitions


development of excess fibrous connective tissue in an organ