Provisioner in a sentence as a noun

"This is a company that wants to be the single-source provisioner of both the protons and electrons in your world.

Also, really excited to see Docker being added as a provisioner.

When using the work-in-progress lxc provisioner, tsuru will behave like Mesos, but it's no that stable yet.

When that happens, there's no simple way to determine if it's the provider or some random provisioner in the middle.

If you need to install or use anything other than the provisioner to setup a vanilla distro, you've been hustled.

Cloud-config comes from Ubuntu, but the semantics are a virtual clone of the ones of AWS's cfn-init; the point of both is to inject your config during initial instance bring-up, when system config files are first being generated by the instance provisioner.

A few things:- If you're using bash to install dependencies, it might make sense to stick it in a shell file and run as a provisioner on `vagrant up` [1]- You can set the NFS shared folder for your working directory to be anything you want in your Vagrantfile, eliminating cp'ing files.

Provisioner definitions


a supplier of victuals or supplies to an army

See also: sutler victualer victualler