Proselytise in a sentence as a verb

I guess it's easier to proselytise for the one true God than for an assortment.

Yes, the 'why' that is eating at me is why anyone would try to proselytise religion to anonymous people on HN.

Christians of all denominations actively proselytise - it's a core part of being a Christian, spreading the 'good news'.

There's no need to proselytise IMO, and when I talk about it, it's more for sharing intellectual curiosity.

There are too many aggressive proselytiser factions in the tech community.

One true religion is likely to come only after society has developed enough to encourage personalities that can proselytise, no?

So let's go ahead and proselytise this cynicism until the general population is as distrustful of their new corporate champions as they are of their now-reviled older champions.

It's also about financial engineering, financial engineers proselytise people into believing the idea that all business of a company need to be in a single profitability band, or the financial magical doom will come.

Proselytise definitions


convert to another faith or religion

See also: proselytize