Prosaically in a sentence as an adverb

More prosaically, think of the last time you saw a bird fly. What's the "truth" there?

Not just prosaically, but because you haven't even bothered to make a point. > [...

More prosaically it's probably because turning it on means it's easier to lose access to your data if you lose devices/keys. Apple can't help you if they don't have the keys.

Both vocally and even prosaically. I'm surprised he is not using the IRS scandal and tie it to the NSA's potential abuse of power.

I'm sorry that word has a negative connotation as I meant it as prosaically as possible. Of course, when you can't argue marginalize, right?

More prosaically because it allows the hero to defuse the bomb at the last minute. But it always pinches my suspension of disbelief when it happens.

You cant even start a new bank on bankers hours much less spaceship company, or more prosaically a restaurant. Companies are founded on the time and passion of their earliest members.

According to the paper, it is supposed to measure a machines intelligence, or rather more prosaically, answer the question "Can machines think?" But that isn't what the test measures.

You only did well if you could surgically read into what was written and explore it prosaically and pragmatically.

More prosaically darker skin as you get closer to the equator and lighter skin as you go away from it. > How about you give us a reference to this article before paraphrasing from memory?

When found, such signals are not typically attributed to time travelers, but more prosaically to insider trading." I agree!

But going beyond the data of the semantic web & building programmer tools that look & operate more prosaically, that look more like this... it feels like a vast canyon to leap.

As far as I could tell it was meant as a college textbook and this Machiavellian treatise on office politics in the middle was written just as prosaically as the rest.

More prosaically, some things can be verified even when a chemical process cannot be reproduced. Protein crystallization is a tricky process with many irreducible results.

What is much more likely is that, more prosaically, humans can control it, but some humans misuse it and, intentionally or not, harm other humans; a story as old as civilisation itself.

To put it more prosaically, people have biases, prejudices, socially-created expectations, ulterior motives, and usually statistics is a more-or-less subtle technique for whitewashing those into 'scientific knowledge'. This happens all across the social & biological sciences, in medical research, and in industry.

Prosaically definitions


in a matter-of-fact manner; "I applied my attention prosaically to my routine"

See also: unimaginatively