Prophet in a sentence as a noun

A prophet is never hailed in his own land.

" Thiel sounds like just another false prophet of growth.

Thus spoke our prophet:Let me tell you one of my pet peeves: space solar power.

Just that he was a jerk about the death of a revered CEO who gets worshiped as a tech prophet.

That's the normal division of labor: the prophet warns and the people ignore him.

I always heard it as "monstrous Panasonic prophet.

"rms isn't a businessman or a politician, he's a "prophet".

I feel like a sort of false prophet one who had read about revelation but who has never experienced it himself.

> Then I pointed that their prophet had a 9 year old wifeThe age of Aisha when her marriage to Muhammad was consummated is unknown.

He's more of a Jeremiah, live-in-horse-dung type of prophet.

I used to wonder if the three years I spent as a cancer researcher would have been better spent wandering the streets like an end-times prophet, trying to convince people to put down their cigarettes.

But for once, Jobs' behavior didn't stem from being some larger than life cartoon figure of a business-genius-prophet-dictator.. he was just really sick.

As any RMS-style self-proclaimed bearded prophet/politician/priest/father-figure knows, it's never been about making things but about gaining followers.

Prophet definitions


an authoritative person who divines the future

See also: prophesier oracle seer vaticinator


someone who speaks by divine inspiration; someone who is an interpreter of the will of God