Prole in a sentence as a noun

You're just a prole in a three button suit.

" That's not noble-prole, it's stupid and wasteful.

* You don't need to be a collared prole, to use your terminology.

"But Marx was not a prole" is not attacking Marx personally.

That's a difference in kind, and it's a prole sort of thing to do. At least assuming you'd otherwise have kids if you had more money.

It's "you're a prole, so if you really grovel I'll throw you a bone now and then, if I feel like it; if not, too bad, and that's what you get for being a prole".

The beats acquisition is just Apple shedding the idea that it's a technology company, and adding more prole-luxury fashion items to its lineup.

After all, the undergraduate experience was designed for aristocrats, and if people go from young aristocrat to prole in one post-graduate summer, they might be pissed off enough to take up arms and overthrow governments, like what almost happened in the 1960s student riots.

Prole definitions


a member of the working class (not necessarily employed); "workers of the world--unite!"

See also: proletarian worker