Proclaim in a sentence as a verb

The whole article was written to point out that Google's not as "open" as they proclaim they are.

It seems a little hasty to proclaim the death of Facebook based on a sample size of two kids.

Then when some other team inherits the rewritten code, they proclaim it **** and rewrite it again.

After you run the test, you apply some stats analysis and a bit of handwaving and proclaim 25 years.

Trying to proclaim that all apps should be built with this or that awesome framework, is a quickly aging point of view.

He doesn't proclaim or state - he tries things, explores things, and talks about what he found, his successes and failures, and the next hill he wants to climb.

Great that people might look at your github as a credential, perhaps going a tad too far when people proclaim that Github replaces resumes.

On to proclaim that these are intentional acts of portraying females in a negative light and keeping them out of the tech industry.

Sure but lets not give in to the temptation to be armchair CEOs here and proclaim that we know that a different model would have worked better for everyone.

Best to take a bath now and miss the mark big style on an otherwise lacklustre quarter and then proclaim the Windows 8 revenue quarter later in the year as a bounce back.

If I'm writing some Python thing, I don't proclaim to everyone that I'm storing my work on a ReiserFS volume, and I'm thrilled by the fact that ReiserFS indexes its metadata using a B+ Tree.

Over-do skeumorphism, proclaim "I'm heading in the extreme opposite direction", over-do flat design, go into extreme opposite direction.

Instead, the author sees fit to posit his / her marketing term as the continuation of a history in the evolution of web operations, and proclaim that the term is one that "traditional operations" personnel revile.

Proclaim definitions


declare formally; declare someone to be something; of titles; "He was proclaimed King"


state or announce; "`I am not a Communist,' he exclaimed"; "The King will proclaim an amnesty"

See also: exclaim promulgate


affirm or declare as an attribute or quality of; "The speech predicated the fitness of the candidate to be President"

See also: predicate


praise, glorify, or honor; "extol the virtues of one's children"; "glorify one's spouse's cooking"

See also: laud extol exalt glorify