Prevarication in a sentence as a noun

My guess, based on the amount of prevarication by the banks, is that the market won't return to its former highs for 10-15 years.

A ******** apology would have been full of prevarication and "I'm sorry if you were offended.

" well in that case I'm more sympathetic to the accusation of prevarication.

Really?We're "protecting them" by keeping them locked up forever without charges?This kind of moral prevarication disgusts me. You disgust me.

But claiming that piracy is somehow time inefficient is nothing more or less than pure prevarication.

No follow-up, no prevarication, no buddying up for a sympathy injection.

These are not even remotely intractable problems and its the most ridiculous kind of prevarication to suggest that they are.

Disgusting prevarication in an attempt to sell the idea that it's perfectly natural for the world to balance on a knife edge of investor confidence.

I busted my *** to get a three-year visa in Korea that would allow me to be self employed so these people's blind certainty that they are in the right/reliance on western privilege* to avoid being caught bugs me a bit. When challenged they fall back on letter of the law vs spirit of the law prevarication: "so what if I came here on holiday and happened to do some urgent remote work for my company back home, would that be illegal?

Which leaves prevarication room for some Steam fans because Valve did allow multiple stores to sell the game even if it was a platform exclusive to play the game; but it still ignores the historic controversy when Steam did that in the first place and many gamers at the time called it a mistake and the death of PC gaming.

Prevarication definitions


a statement that deviates from or perverts the truth


intentionally vague or ambiguous

See also: equivocation evasiveness


the deliberate act of deviating from the truth

See also: lying fabrication