Pretzel in a sentence as a noun

When is a pretzel a baked good, and when is it prepared food?

At least with arrow keys you don't need to morph your hand into pretzel.

I mean the economy for which we must all bend ourselves into pretzel shapes.

I wonder what kind of fail-safes are built into these suits, if it goes haywire it could bend you into a pretzel.

I have fond memories of eating pretzel sticks and drinking Dr. Pepper while cracking these clever problems.

Without developing an understanding for this you'll twist your hand into a pretzel and simply will not be able to advance.

You could certainly twist your reasoning like a pretzel to argue they are but the truth is these are just people and not all people are heroic and your profession doesn't make you a hero.

We all sort of hear that and nod, but think about how many times you've gotten really deep into a problem and sat there, twisted like a pretzel as you try to solve it, for hours on end.

You'll find that US broadband/technology/cell-network/healthcare/alt-energy apologists trot out every excuse and make pretzel-twisting arguments for other first world countries having arguably superior things than we do.

She\n mentions not one word about Hickman's 12-year-old victim in all the hundreds\n of words she penned about the case.\n\n If you've read Rand's journals, you know that she did present her ethical\n positions in detail, even when writing for herself.\n\n Objectivists typically bend themselves into pretzel-like shapes to avoid\n acknowledging Rand's obvious psychological problems.

Pretzel definitions


glazed and salted cracker typically in the shape of a loose knot