Presidency in a sentence as a noun

The death toll during Calderon's presidency is way over the roof.

Obama, under your presidency, what chance do I have of joining the 1% by starting a cable company?

There was a budget surplus at the end of the Clinton presidency and this is what people usually mean when they claim a government was/is "paying off the debt".

[0] Basically, a large part of the foreign policy for which Bush was criticized during his presidency and which Obama has doubled down on.

Before that, Zambia hit a high-water mark in the 1960s, during the presidency of Kaunda, who began to implement socialism.

"During his presidency they were reported to frequently display their affection for one another; one press secretary said, "They never took each other for granted.

He was elected over the objections of people who claimed him to be, among other things:- A Kenyan- A secret muslim- A liar inelegible for the presidency under the terms of Section I, Article II of the United States constitutionThese claims have been made and repeated for over four years.

The tone is alienating and disrespectful, so much so that the valid criticisms of XML as a technology are completely buried by the arrogance and off-topic political and social commentary: "the current American presidency and XML have much in common", "XML is the drug-addicted gang member who had committed his first ****** before he had sex, which was rape.

Obama's presidency has been disastrous for the privacy of American citizens:The [surveillance] Court documents declassified recently show that in late 2011 the court authorized the NSA to conduct warrantless searches of individual Americans communications using an authority intended to target only foreigners, Wyden said in a statement to The Washington Post.

Presidency definitions


the tenure of a president; "things were quiet during the Eisenhower administration"

See also: administration


the office and function of president; "Andrew Jackson expanded the power of the presidency beyond what was customary before his time"

See also: presidentship