Premiere in a sentence as a noun

There was a massive hype right up until it was to premiere on Netflix and then … nothing.

They also built one of the premiere science institutes in India.

The i7 low power part obviously is the premiere low-power part.

In addition, when you sign up at level 2, we'll mention your name in the credits and you'll receive two VIP tickets to our premiere.

Premiere in a sentence as a verb

That's the vast majority of Linux users; so who becomes the premiere Gnome 3 distribution?

Before the premiere the communist representative came to evaluate the show.

Yet his parents split up, he didn't get along with his movie premiere attending father's new wife, and he was isolated and cut off from human contact.

Instead, standardize on another one of the Java implementations so that it can become the premiere implementation and really screw with Oracle.

Premiere in a sentence as an adjective

They presented for two hours to an auditorium of a hundred doctors and administrators from TMC, one of the premiere medical communities in the world.

Former premiere Lucien Bouchard mentioned that he was "shocked" when bankers threatened to cut Quebec's bond rating; the idea of deficit spending was so entrenched that the idea of it having a negative impact was seen as laughable.

Premiere definitions


the first public performance of a play or movie


be performed for the first time; "We premiered the opera of the young composer and it was a critical success"

See also: premier


perform a work for the first time

See also: premier


preceding all others in time; "the premiere showing"

See also: premier