Preen in a sentence as a verb

You'll make the high scores preen and pay for your lectures.

People get their salary they can preen over.

The intention was to provide information so that they could improve their copy, not to preen.

I love how many ppl here really think you can't have a js site and still get crawled... look at the user agent and preen der for spiders?

Many owl feathers lack preen oil, meaning they are less waterproof than other birds, increasing mortality in cold wet weather.

She loves to just sit around and preen herself, and occasionally knocks our mice over or sits in front of our computers or on our laptops asking for treats.

And everyone has to constantly preen and groom their "social media presence" because it's all about cultivating a personal brand.

It is common in cockroach control; when a thin layer is spread on floors, cockroaches take it in when they preen their feet.\n\n “You can buy it by the truckload,” Dr. Christensen said.

As for stupidity in our society: there are many Americans who like to publically preen with a statement of the form "In our culture, we are so " + social attribute>.

What they want is to be able to sell a continuous stream of microtransactions, and the easiest way to do that is let people see each other and then sell them prettyshiny models and textures you can use while preening in front of other people.

Don't not answer questions in order to preen around in public by taking a shot at someones possible misuse of a term that might mean something different to an insider than someone trying to get in or in other words don't be an a-hole.

Hopefully I've fully "leveled up" into titles for which coding challenges aren't the norm in hiring before the next downturn, otherwise I guess I'll be spending some time drilling to preen those peacock feathers, which is what I'd have had to do this time if it weren't such a seller's market for devs.

Preen definitions


clean with one's bill; "The birds preened"

See also: plume


pride or congratulate (oneself) for an achievement

See also: congratulate


dress or groom with elaborate care; "She likes to dress when going to the opera"

See also: primp plume dress