Precocial in a sentence as an adjective

If you're going to obsess over the nature/nuture thing, you have to consider the counterexample - animals that are born ready to go. These are called precocial species.

Very interesting concept, thanks for providing this link!We could also apply this terminology to startups: precocial startups are profitable and self-sustaining soon after their launch.

I found it simply fascinating when I learned that Blue Wildebeests are born knowing how to stand within minutes of their birth, and within a day can outrun adult hyenas:"Extremely precocial species are called "superprecocial".

Cetaceans are another example of a group that violates the trend, being both extremely intelligent and their enviroment necessitating extremely precocial young to avoid their offspring drowning.

Precocial definitions


(of hatchlings) covered with down and having eyes open; capable of leaving the nest within a few days