Precipitously in a sentence as an adverb

The ones who keep learning don't seem to hit a "skill wall", at least into their 50s, where my sample size drops precipitously.

Presumably if they don't sell on Amazon the margins would be healthier, but sales would drop precipitously.

Take away the growth prospects of the former or increase the risk of losing the dividend stream of the latter and you will see the price drop precipitously.

Advances in the early 20th-century caused agricultural prices to fall precipitously in the 1920s.

On top of that, they started testing once every year or two rather than once every four or five years, and question quality dropped precipitously as they just ran out of material.

Some of this is certainly hubris, but none of it bodes well for the workers, the corporations, or the economy.- The number of small businesses seems to have dropped precipitously.

America's QOL is dropping precipitously, while parts of the world previously considered "developing" can now give America a run for its money in terms of QOL.

Also, most people only skim the first part of an article; the abandonment rate drops precipitously with every passing paragraph, which is why you put the most important things first, and the least important things last.

Unfortunately, when a chronic undiagnosed cancer condition becomes acute, it means that it has metastasized and the survival rates drops precipitously.

"The shear magnitude of the irrational fear of ***** is dumfounding"Who says it has anything to do with that at this point?The police-judicial system have a good thing going, now that real violent crime rates have overall precipitously dropped.

Apparently they simply follow the rulebook to the "t", phoning in maintenance requests for the most minor nit-picky problems, following every procedure in excruciating detail, etc., with a net result of causing American's "on time percentage" to drop precipitously as flights are routinely delayed.

Precipitously definitions


very suddenly and to a great degree; "conditions that precipitously increase the birthrate"; "prices rose sharply"

See also: sharply


abruptly; in a precipitous manner; "the mountains rose precipitously from the shore"