Prayer in a sentence as a noun

Because that's what you just heard - a prayer.

Another has her hands clasped in a prayer position.

Voltaire wrote, "I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: Oh Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.

If she was one the 'warfare' crowd, she'd probably have spent the entire night in fervent prayer, battling the 'forces of darkness.

>Your donation and prayer of any flavor is much appreciated!Straight from his thanks page at the very top.

Until we learn to control that basic fear response, the TSA will still be around and people will still be scared of sitting next to a dark-skinned man kneeling in prayer.

For even if the prayers were answered, and a miracle occurred, and the yen did this, and the dollar did that, and the infrastructure did the other thing, we would still be dead!

My Godfather lived as a monk in a monastery in Switzerland for a number of years, and aside from chanting and prayer, the monks otherwise took a vow of silence.

I recommend a piano highly to the non-player due to its affordability and its distraction properties, my own version of prayer beads I use while debugging in my head.

These local coordination committees were most publicly visible by foreigners on the net, being prolific in uploading of media, mainly during Friday protests after prayer.

Having our kids giving their daily state worship by saying a "prayer" and physically submitting themselves to a state icon is something that I would expect would upset both secular people like myself and religious people.

You may have signed something which waives all claims, but even if you don't have a prayer of winning in a court, at the very least an attorney is going to pester the heck out of Apple rather than waiting around by the phone for them to make it their problem.

He could have taken the degree without attending it but decided to be there in person for the sake of his proud parents, especially this father, who had given him the money that enabled him to begin his Cambridge studies....Wearing evening dress with a white bow tie, a small black cap and black silk down with a scarlet-lined hood, he knelt on a velvet cushion, placed his hands together and held them out to be grasped by the Vice Chancellor, who delivered a prayer-like oration.

Proper Noun Examples for Prayer

Where I come from, that particular prayer is called 'The Prayer for the Dead.

Prayer definitions


the act of communicating with a deity (especially as a petition or in adoration or contrition or thanksgiving); "the priest sank to his knees in prayer"

See also: supplication


reverent petition to a deity

See also: petition orison


earnest or urgent request; "an entreaty to stop the fighting"; "an appeal for help"; "an appeal to the public to keep calm"

See also: entreaty appeal


a fixed text used in praying


someone who prays to God

See also: supplicant