Praise in a sentence as a noun

This post isn't so much about praising him, as to praise innovative thinking.

I grew up in a house where abundant praise was given for completion of the most mundane of tasks.

I am Polish, I live in Poland, and I found the article's praise for our education system strange.

Going back to my initial praise of Java--Java is so simple and predictable that it's really easy to see how the plumbing works.

On the games with medium levels of violence, of the half dozen fan emails only one would be praise, the others would be serious hate mail.

But really, I'd prefer people know that I publicly praise good clients and trash bad ones, and if they think they're going to be a bad client, to not bother reaching out.

Praise in a sentence as a verb

All reported with deep urgency and absolute truthful authority between gentle praise songs I heard in church every Sunday.

" I neither ridiculed nor made fun of Grid, as you claim I did; however, you seem to take pleasure in ridiculing and making fun of me. I'm sorry that I didn't heap the app with praise -- from the video I saw, it does look like an impressive beginning.

They even sent praise about me to the IT manager, who came down to me once and told me he heard great things about me, and he passed the praise on to my outsourcing company.

People would tell me what a great job I did and praise the amount of time it must have taken, and while I'd smile nervously and modestly reject their attribution, I'd often be left silently thinking, "I don't think this was as difficult or took as long as you think it did.

They both get pigeon-holed as Apple apologists because Apple is the only major electronics manufacturer that seems to care one iota about these things, but when another company comes along and gets theses details right, neither Marco or Gruber will hesitate to praise them.

Praise definitions


an expression of approval and commendation; "he always appreciated praise for his work"

See also: congratulations kudos extolment


offering words of homage as an act of worship; "they sang a hymn of praise to God"


express approval of; "The parents praised their children for their academic performance"