Pragmatism in a sentence as a noun

Nice to see pragmatism playing a role here.

I think Linus's pragmatism has a lot to do with Linux's success.

But from the outside, every time "pragmatism" wins over "principle" is a little ***** in the armor.

The core value of Singapore is pragmatism, and it's built into every facet of this place.

Once it was clear that the recommendation engine wasn't a growth vector, the Reddit team seemed to drop it out of sheer pragmatism.

Anyone surprised by the fact that the FSF puts its principles about the purity of free software licenses before pragmatism hasn't been paying much attention.

The idea seems fundamentally sound, so I imagine it will keep resurfacing until pragmatism overcomes the bias and stereotypes surrounding mass transit.

Pragmatism definitions


(philosophy) the doctrine that practical consequences are the criteria of knowledge and meaning and value


the attribute of accepting the facts of life and favoring practicality and literal truth

See also: realism