Practise in a sentence as a verb

Sometimes, I practise my singing on the way home, with music from my mobile.

"Old soldiers love those scars, because they can point to them and say 'Dunlop worked on me', but it's simply bad practise".

If you've ever tried to do this you'll know that while it works in theory, getting it working in practise is much harder than you'd think.

The Bagcheck example exposes the presence of an account - that can't be best-practise for security I would have thought.

Without doubt there are few companies in the world that genuinely understand and practise the power of good design in their products and their businesses".

Yes, but because the best practise in git is to make commits very small, the commit that caused the regression is typically ~= the source code problem that caused the error.

These are usually religious writings, and I don't want to get into that too much here, but the ritual, as well as the great importance to me, helps me to practise this skill.

You know, I don't think I've ever seen anything negative about Lego as a company in any serious way. Staff reports are uniformly 'this place is amazing to work', customers love their products, they've kept their product line diverse and with a wide, wide range of prices so there's no exclusionary practise.

I don't know about hypothetical ultra-liquid markets, but in practise rent is usually higher than interest+maintenance fees over a longer period of time.

It definitely becomes more noticeable the higher you climb on the social ladder, but that is generally just because the better educated you are, the more practise you get and the more you learn.

In practise there are a load more technicalities around this part of the system and as such it is possible for double bookings and over bookings to happen, but lets keep it simple for the sake of this story.

There's ways of obfuscating this anyway, which seem to work quite well in practise.> This is a surprisingly good analysis that strengthens the argument that a Government agency created BitcoinIt's not really.

Software development is a continuous compromise between good engineering practise and business priorities.

Practise definitions


engage in a rehearsal (of)

See also: rehearse practice


carry out or practice; as of jobs and professions; "practice law"

See also: practice exercise


learn by repetition; "We drilled French verbs every day"; "Pianists practice scales"

See also: drill exercise practice