Powderize in a sentence as a verb

One way to "powderize" it is to make it into an ester, which in this case would be an ethyl ester[1,2].

They're applied to powderized plastic in a bio-reactor.

But, for all I know they take cast aluminum billets and some how shred/powderize instead of making the powder as it is refined.

Can you build a device which powderizes these materials and then feeds them into feed hoppers for an industrial scale 3D printer?

I consider myself somewhat advanced in cooking and nutrition and I can tell you that much that powderized foods lack certain elements that make for a healthy nutrition.

Powderize definitions


become powder or dust; "When it was blown up, the building powderized"

See also: pulverize pulverise powderise


make into a powder by breaking up or cause to become dust; "pulverize the grains"

See also: powderise powder pulverize pulverise