Blend in a sentence as a noun

Was it a blend of the two with only some of the slots open to the CfP? Before that.

You need that blend in a company, good manager, good vision. They are rarely in the same person.

It was important in his line of work to blend in, and you don't blend in by committing a fashion faux pas.

So much for the harmonious, "gentle" blend of compounds in natural products!

The II and III chords aren't strictly in the key of the rest of the song, although they still blend well with the in-key chords. vii is just F# minor here, but it is not in the key of the rest of the song either.

For example, if I want a Ruby image that has the latest nginx and git installed, I can't just blend three images together. I have to pick a base image, and then manually add the rest myself via Dockerfile.

Ridiculous, considering that most secret places blend in perfectly with their surroundings. Had they not been censored, no one would notice these facilities.

Blend in a sentence as a verb

They all blend together, with only the upper-left image to tell them apart - and sticking them all into the same circle makes those images all have the same silhouette. The first appearance was cool, it was distinctive and unique.

If you make a programming language that people who don't like programming love enough to spread by word of mouth when not near a computer, which technically-oriented people also love, that's a lot like the OSX terminal + nice GUI blend. That's a pretty rare thing.

What if there are elements of A & B that could blend together to form another option? Avenues for generative design options are shut down by looking at only A and only B. Seriously?

You've effectively described a blend of National Socialism and Stalinism. And we know that both eventually lead to mass ****** and misery of millions.

But what could be done is to have an engine specifically blend details and combine polygons in a way similar to the way objects blend in distance as seen by the human eye. This would make both the world more realistic and the networking load lighter as fewer polygons need to be transferred.

Rural, but the culture itself has become a blend of whoever immigrated, but there are only small remnants left of that. The US is largely a homogeneous country in my eyes, people move cross states here way more often than people do in Europe, because in Europe you'll get genuine culture shock, if you can even understand the language.

* Since the majority of JavaScript syntax is intended to mimic Java syntax, which does require semicolons to separate statements, semicolons blend well with the language, and are therefore nice and idiomatic. * There are situations where you have to use semicolons due to ambiguity to write straightforward code - there are workarounds, like tricks involving !

Blend definitions


an occurrence of thorough mixing


a new word formed by joining two others and combining their meanings; "`smog' is a blend of `smoke' and `fog'"; "`motel' is a portmanteau word made by combining `motor' and `hotel'"; "`brunch' is a well-known portmanteau"

See also: portmanteau


the act of blending components together thoroughly

See also: blending


combine into one; "blend the nuts and raisins together"; "he blends in with the crowd"; "We don't intermingle much"

See also: intermix immingle intermingle


blend or harmonize; "This flavor will blend with those in your dish"; "This sofa won't go with the chairs"


mix together different elements; "The colors blend well"