Portend in a sentence as a verb

Nothing to portend a Soviet-style collapse of course, but even the slightest increase in openness is something we should welcome.

I'm not sure why I haven't seen this addressed yet, but doesn't the widespread use of something like Glass portend the dramatic fall of the prevalence of street crime?

The pathos-heavy articles are not going to disappear; rather, they portend HN's inevitable fate.

Whatever the merits of socialism vs. capitalism in the past, doesn't this sort of progress portend an eventual move toward the former?

Articles like these portend to get you thinking about the broader implications of a takedown, but in truth they cloud clear thinking with what are essentially scare tactics.

Here is the quote:Some examples, like Dart, portend that JavaScript has fundamental flaws and to support these scenarios requires a clean break from JavaScript in both syntax and runtime.

Doesn't this portend further monopolistic control over publishing and distribution?

True, but eMachines and similar low-margin makers don't necessarily portend a healthy, innovating market.

Further, Russia's demographic situation doesn't portend well for it as a great power in the coming decades.>"America seems to be condemned to fight wars all around the world"The United States isn't condemned to fighting wars around the world.

Portend definitions


indicate by signs; "These signs bode bad news"