Pornography in a sentence as a noun

That's why I'm glad that I work on webspam and not on trying to stop child pornography.

I'm busy making crappy Android apps and trying to quit pornography...

No charges listed, article slightly hints at child pornography charges.

As mike_esspe points out: this action being taken is through the passage of Russia's "anti-child pornography" bill.

"Google has a zero tolerance policy for child pornography.

Certainly if pornography was only being consumed once a week then the rate of let's call it "stimulation inflation" can't have been that high, or can it?

Also, how does it hurt the USD that it is used for assassination, ***** and child pornography?It's ok that people hate bitcoin though, some people just let their emotions take control.

Slightly off-topic, but I never understood the obsession of legal enforcement with child pornography.

This is not to say that such a system isn't useful; just that I believe the fact they're so full of child pornography and the like is actually, in a roundabout way, an indicator of a healthy society.

"The system allegedly was designed to give criminals a way to move money earned from credit-card fraud, online Ponzi schemes, child pornography and other crimes without being detected by law enforcement.

" It's again important to note that this is a child pornography case: possession of child pornography is a crime, so if the would-be defendant here provided a decryption key, this would be tantamount to him admitting that he possessed the hard drive and had access to the files within itthat alone would constitute a crime if the files were found to be child pornography.

Pornography definitions


creative activity (writing or pictures or films etc.) of no literary or artistic value other than to stimulate sexual desire

See also: porno porn erotica smut