Polyunsaturated in a sentence as an adjective

Replacing lots of fat in your diet with sugar risks replacing polyunsaturated fats.

Palm oil is only 9% polyunsaturated, as opposed to something like canola which is 20%.

We need polyunsaturated fatty acids; in part, to keep our metabolism going.

The CDC says that "Most of the fat that you eat should come from unsaturated sources: polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats.

Sure, saturated fats may not be the major cause of heart disease, but lessening it while consuming a healthy amount of polyunsaturated fat and complex carbs might.

Too much omega-6 rich polyunsaturated vegetable oil like from soybean or corn may actually increase risk of heart diseasesSure.

Some presses of avocado oil and safflower oil have similarly great mono- to polyunsaturated fat ratios while also having high smoke points.

Extra virgin olive oil has a pretty great monounsaturated to polyunsaturated fat ratio and good flavor for salad dressing, eggs, sauces, meat dishes, etc.

The presumed beneficial effects of diets with reduced saturated fat on CVD risk may therefore be dependent on a significant increase in polyunsaturated fat in the diet.

That said, problems like fatty liver disease appear to be often be the result of the interaction between alcohol metabolism and stored polyunsaturated fats.

Remember antioxidants and free radicals, aluminium cookware causing Alzheimer's disease, polyunsaturated oil, fish oil, etc. etc. Just more medical science hype.

My understanding is monounsaturated fats are known to be cardiovascularly protective and polyunsaturated are less stable, hence the ordering.

"In contrast to current recommendations, this systematic review found no evidence that saturated fat increases the risk of coronary disease, or that polyunsaturated fats have a cardioprotective effect.

This study suggests that maternal concentration of n-3 very-long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids during pregnancy might be of importance for later cognitive function, such as sequential processing, although we observed no significant effect of n-3 fatty acid intervention on global IQs.

Polyunsaturated definitions


(of long-chain carbon compounds especially fats) having many unsaturated bonds