Polymorphic in a sentence as an adjective

For example, you can write code polymorphic on its return type.

[..] The name SML# of Kansai symbolizes the field selector #label, which was given a polymorphic type for the first time by this compiler.

This means that there is essentially no syntactic overhead to using a type that's polymorphic like that!

What wrong with the program?Sorry, my swarm of interacting agents had a polymorphic pile-up on aisle 7.

> Why can’t we just allow polymorphic lambda-bound variables?Two reasons.

That said, I get a little bummed that there are no Back to the Future 2-style hoverboards, that I don't have a personal flying car, and that I still have to shower every day. I'd love a polymorphic phone screen, and am bummed that this display isn't that.

We can even fully infer types if you're willing to accept some quite reasonable restrictions on how polymorphic your code is.

Further, the sophisticated OO programmer lets the system take care of all polymorphic tasks possible.

Well, hope you never want to create sub-classes and use polymorphic methods because then you'll have to change everything around to store pointers instead and change all your '.

Just out of curiosity, I rubbed some Vaseline in my ear just now, and must admit that it is more of a bummer than the lack of polymorphic phone screens.

All the bit conceptual stuff that was really hard for me to pick up initially, like polymorphic behavior, multithreading, etc., was still there.

One of my favorites is with numeric literals: in Haskell, numeric literals are polymorphic.

They get along just fine, if you're willing to toss Top, Bottom and principal typing out the window in the special case where HM unification would end with a polymorphic generalization.

Every time a variable with a polymorphic type is used, its type is instantiated, which means that all polymorphic type variables are replaced with fresh unbound type variables.

Not polymorphic functions or language primitives or helpers of other kinds, but types.\nThat's the detail that sticks with me.\nProgrammers who come to Go from C++ and Java miss the idea of programming with types, particularly inheritance and subclassing and all that.

I've never studied the worst-case scenarios of Hindley-Milner, but I imagine that it has to do with instantiation copying large polymorphic types around.> Do implementations of Hindley-Milner actually represent types as dags and utilize structural sharing?Yes; an unbound type variable is typically represented as a reference cell, which is assigned to the type the type variable is unified with.

Polymorphic definitions


relating to the crystallization of a compound in two or more different forms; "polymorphous crystallization"

See also: polymorphous


relating to the occurrence of more than one kind of individual (independent of sexual differences) in an interbreeding population; "a polymorphic species"

See also: polymorphous


having or occurring in several distinct forms; "man is both polymorphic and polytypic"; "a polymorphous god"

See also: polymorphous