Polygraph in a sentence as a noun

One of their own who passed the background check by the way--I don't know why the OP is so enamored with the polygraph.

There's a very real probability that the polygraph can say you're lying even when you're not lying.

Well, following his explanations, you can fail the polygraph and just do it again.

I would have thought this would be common sense by now - don't submit to a polygraph ever - it cannot help you, only hurt you.

Bruce Schneider had a short comment linking to an article of FEDs targeting companies that expose the polygraph sham.

I volunteered to take a police polygraph test, hired a lawyer and initiated a libel suit.

I wouldn't recommend anyone using these techniques on the internet unless you can test them out on a real polygraph.

Note this detail from the article:Teaching about the flaws of polygraph testing is not inherently illegal.

One can reasonably assume that at least some percentage of all polygraph evaders do so in a context where it's criminal.

I actually strongly encourage everyone to read up on polygraph tests and how to cheat them, here's why: they've been wrong again and again, they've gotten innocent men in trouble.

This may seem odd but mostly harmless for the public, until you realize the polygraph is an important tool among the NSA's much-vaunted anti-abuse safeguards [1].

To save yourself from getting caught by these pseduo-scientific tests if ever you're in the position, prepare yourself now, learn about the polygraph tests and how you can use them to your benefit.

"But I digress – the rare cases of unauthorized data retrieval were not polygraph-trained foreign spies trying to infiltrate the Agency, but rather regular employees illicitly viewing communications for personal gain.

No, the polygraph examination is a psychologically manipulative torture technique meant to intimidate the subject into submission.

Polygraph definitions


a medical instrument that records several physiological processes simultaneously (e.g., pulse rate and blood pressure and respiration and perspiration)