Polishing in a sentence as a noun

You will spend most of your [indefinite] time polishing sharp corner cases.

He talked about the button polishing, the bed sheet folding and the shirt starching.

He seems to think that, in between, his colleagues have been perfecting the fine forms of the art and polishing its many facets.

Letting yourself get bogged down in polishing details that aren't exciting makes you start looking for other things to do, losing interest in the project altogether.

Having run a site for writers I can guarantee you that an author's perfect final manuscript is still filled with typos, mistakes, and ripe for polishing from a trained professional.

The GP is correct in stating that Apple isn't innovative - they just take other people's innovations and monetize them by polishing things up and running effective ad campaigns to gain marketshare among the masses.

If you get your book published up by Random House, then the reader at the store can say, if absolutely nothing else, that a group of well-read professionals thought your book was good enough to warrant stamping with their brand and spending money polishing and marketing.

Polishing definitions


the work of making something smooth and shiny by rubbing or waxing it; "the shining of shoes provided a meager living"; "every Sunday he gave his car a good polishing"

See also: shining