Dissonance in a sentence as a noun

How can such cognitive dissonance run rampant within the US.

Seriously, I can't get over the dissonance here.

I'm just a dude facing a big stab of mental dissonance right now. I'm not trying to push a political agenda.

Which shows the perfect meaninglessness of the netflix slide, the cognitive dissonance of it.

I think there is a bit of cognitive dissonance in the tech community about "disruption" versus "big companies.

Please, avoid the cognitive dissonance if you fail to live up to this unrealistic idealism, and give yourself just a modicum of slack.

" and then rationalizing and defending NSA, might as well put it in blog form>.That cognitive dissonance, I believe, is pretty powerful.

What gets to me is our inability as a society to acknowledge the cognitive dissonance, and speak about this issue honestly outside of graduation speeches.

I hate discussing politics because the cognitive dissonance and mental gymnastics required to fully support Republicans or Democrats makes my head hurt.

It is probably the hardest thing we data people have to deal with: criticism from the "trusted advisors" who, due to the cognitive dissonance suffered by the executives who pay them loads of cash, are deemed to be intelligent when they really aren't.

Dissonance definitions


a conflict of people's opinions or actions or characters

See also: disagreement dissension


the auditory experience of sound that lacks musical quality; sound that is a disagreeable auditory experience; "modern music is just noise to me"

See also: noise racket


disagreeable sounds