Pogrom in a sentence as a noun

A pogrom on "hackers" is unlikely to solve anything.

The greatest trick Modi pulled is not convincing people that he is not responsible for the 2002 pogrom.

Local, infiltrated gov't decides to launch a pogrom against $x.

A Jewish self-defense was able to rebuff the pogrom, the first time in the history of the Russian Empire.

In the case of anti-jewish pogroms the inciting factor was often speech by newspapers and officials.

> You don't have pogroms without previous animosity.

It was a pogrom that specifically targeted Hindus and Bengali intellectuals.

There are a lot of people that think this came out of the blue and interpret the chants as an impending pogrom putting some people's lives above others, but that is a distortion that is furthest from the truth.

Just as a religious leader exonerates himself from responsibility for enabling pogrom or ethnic cleansing as being the written will of the almighty.

The definition of pogrom is noted in its own Wikipedia article as "A pogrom is a violent riot aimed at the massacre or expulsion of an ethnic or religious group, particularly one aimed at Jews".

How should we account for anti-semitic newspapers that made a good business of concocting lies about the crimes done by Jewish people in the community?Consider the Kishinev pogrom where "the Bessarabetz paper insinuated that children had been murdered by the Jewish community for the purpose of using their blood in the preparation of matzo for Passover"[1].

Pogrom definitions


organized persecution of an ethnic group (especially Jews)