Pocket-sized in a sentence as an adjective

One year I took a pocket-sized notebook and a slide rule.

Actually the one they print from the airport is small and pocket-sized as well.

It's predecessor devices were neat but they weren't phones, the N800 was a weird little pocket-sized tablet.

A pocket-sized device which only has 3 hours of battery life is not going to be interesting to me.

When I was young enough to be in pediatrics, my doctor once pulled out a pocket-sized electronic device and keyed in my symptoms.

Also, the author of yesterday's article pinned a good deal of his "thesis" on some hand waving about how pocket-sized computers won't increase in performance and memory.

I'd never imagine developing anything on a pocket-sized device either!

Not all of us help popularize the personal computer, the graphical user interface, object-oriented programming, computer animation, digital music players that fit in your pocket and hold your entire music library, and pocket-sized always-connected touch-screen computers.

Pocket-sized definitions


limited in size or scope; "a small business"; "a newspaper with a modest circulation"; "small-scale plans"; "a pocket-size country"

See also: minor modest small small-scale pocket-size


small enough to be carried in a garment pocket; "pocket-size paperbacks"

See also: pocket-size pocketable