Pluralism in a sentence as a noun

Many would not, but that's what pluralism is about.

CL is unpopular, but not because of its pluralism.

Nor, for that matter, would I really go around wearing your cultural pluralism as some badge of pride as if it were some deliberate choice.

Given that the reason that Singapore scores poorly is due to low pluralism, low political participation, and a weak press.

Reddit does not promote pluralism, rather a giant circle-jerk of like minded individuals.

Political pluralism and human rights have been fully ensured in Azerbaijan.

The freedom and pluralism of the media shall be respected.\n\nI'm not European, so my opinion on how closely governments stick to these laws doesn't really apply.

That said, Western civilization faces an existential threat from an enemy who despises its very foundations, and it is our very pluralism that blinds us to this threat.

I have this from the book "The Spirit Level" [1].Also the political system is based on pluralism so there is a built in conservatism in the system that will cause changes to take time.

China has gone out of its way to study how dictatorships have clung to power even in today's era of much freer flow of information, but if it desires to be economically strong and to have "soft power" influence on the world, China has no choice but to change its political system and press regulation to be more open to pluralism.

Pluralism definitions


a social organization in which diversity of racial or religious or ethnic or cultural groups is tolerated


the doctrine that reality consists of several basic substances or elements


the practice of one person holding more than one benefice at a time