Plod in a sentence as a noun

If all **** is breaking loose, I'll ride on the rims of some crappy old bike rather than plod along with a backpack.

Writing doesn't really plod down courses, only animate actors do that.

We invented SSTs but still plod about on sub-sonic airliners, for instance.

" Develop good habits and plod along until something falls into your lap as a byproduct.

I actually find it to be a pretty well-written introduction so far, but I just barely have the background to plod through it.

And then I realized that, ****, I could plod along and be a decent engineer for my whole life and always feel guilty and avoid reading Hacker News.

I want it to be something you can easily pick up, plod away through, maybe pay someone to do some editing for you, and then walk you through pushing it out on the Amazon Kindle Store.

Plod in a sentence as a verb

It's amazing how many people put up with terrible software at work, complain about it, are powerless to do anything about it, and simply plod on. Custom tools with very fixable gaps don't get closed; old versions of licensed software don't get upgraded.

Industrial behemoths could plod along, surviving off the enormous inertia they'd built over the decades.

In my experience, some people get rich, the eccentric co-worker types plod along forever until they are laid off 300 pounds later, and everyone sort of "normal" disappears off the face of the earth.

See the comments in Paul Irish's recent thread about this [1].There are people who are content to plod along and debate the finer points of one attribute or another, while native APIs are steaming ahead.

But while it may sound like a "success story" to most and I am happy now, I'll be damned if there wasn't 10 years of darkness and constant feelings of inadequacy that I had to plod through very much alone.

"I do not believe the people who plod through a huge multi-page, multi-code-sample question at StackOverflow are just casual dabblers who are likely to leap away from the discussion when they discover the top-rated answer features the word "failure.

Plod definitions


the act of walking with a slow heavy gait; "I could recognize his plod anywhere"

See also: plodding


walk heavily and firmly, as when weary, or through mud; "Mules plodded in a circle around a grindstone"

See also: slog footslog trudge tramp