Plexus in a sentence as a noun

This guy could operate without disturbing the venous plexus around the spinal cord.

The recurrent laryngeal nerve actually gives off several filaments to part of the cardiac plexus.

The warm sensation in solar plexus that came out of no where after long breath meditation concentration and it turned into waves with each breath-in.

Did you ever get a diagnosis?The current theory of my doctor is that it’s a brachial plexus injury - just waiting on some MRI results to confirm.

\n- Carpal tunnel syndrome. \n- Many and various shoulder problems including thorassic output syndrome. \n- Neck posture problems often feeding into things like brachial plexus problems.

The coffee finds nothing else in the sack, and so it attacks these delicate and voluptuous linings; it acts like a food and demands digestive juices; it wrings and twists the stomach for these juices, appealing as a pythoness appeals to her god; it brutalizes these beautiful stomach linings as a wagon master abuses ponies; the plexus becomes inflamed; sparks shoot all the way up to the brain.

Plexus definitions


a network of intersecting blood vessels or intersecting nerves or intersecting lymph vessels

See also: rete