Plenum in a sentence as a noun

It was the only building other than the courthouse in another city where we didn't run plenum rated cable.

As I recall the "solution" was some plenum rated CAT5 that went out of the roof and attached to a DSL line on a pole at the corner of the property.

What a heroic way to **** on the enormous shift from Newton's "fundamental emptiness" to Einstein's "fundamental plenum".

Time was running out, so, I stood on one of the minicomputers, moved one of the drop ceiling tiles and stuck my head into the return air plenum and the Halon went off.

[note] As far as I can tell, this originated in the newer physics, once the older luminiferous aether had been replaced by the newer plenum.

Xi Jinping's third plenum starts tomorrow, and many people believe that they will reform the hukou system, allowing people to sell their property in the country and buy property in the city.

None of China's recent third plenum discussion points had anything to do with their space program; many of them involve economic reforms intended to address the urban-rural divide.

Plenum definitions


a meeting of a legislative body at which all members are present; "the plenum will vote on all tax increases"


an enclosed space in which the air pressure is higher than outside