Planaria in a sentence as a noun

Even planaria can remember the best path to get food.

The training times for the untrained planaria were shortened.

We trained planaria, killed them, dried them, and fed them to untrained planaria.

The article mentions planaria, a type of flatworm that can regenerate from a small piece of tissue.

A planarian only has ~8k neurons; is its phi sufficient for consciousness, or is it a biological robot?

Our experiments used planaria reactions to light and subsequent electric shock, not food-finding behavior.

Thus, the planarian system may offer the unique opportunity to study brain regeneration and memory in the same animal.

We further show that trained, decapitated planarians exhibit evidence of memory retrieval in a savings paradigm after regenerating a new head.

We propose planarians as key emerging model species for mechanistic investigations of the encoding of specific memories in biological tissues.

> university professors complain about standards worsening in their annual intake of studentsThey've been doing that since the 11th Century[1] - if this were even vaguely true, your current average student intake would be somewhere around the level of planaria or possibly tardigrades.

To establish a system for the investigation of the dynamics of memory in a regenerating brain, we developed a computerized training and testing paradigm that avoided the many issues that confounded previous, manual attempts to train planarians.

Planaria definitions


free-swimming mostly freshwater flatworms; popular in laboratory studies for the ability to regenerate lost parts

See also: planarian