Pitted in a sentence as an adjective

I believe the dots were painted, not pitted.

One notable test he did pitted four groups of the fastest readers he could find against each other.

I cleaned, pitted, and cooked the cherries with sugar and corn starch, partly guessing on quantities from a poor cookbook.

We mere humans are pitted against technology we simply have no sporting chance against.

Rather than pick an approach right away, however, Jobs pitted the teams against each other in a bake-off.

The two are pitted together, and we’re left with what looks a bunch of preppy mall-kids battling for street territory by break dancing.

" Meaning: "I could have used powerful team collaboration tools in this classroom, but instead I've pitted these students against each other.

I wasn't explicit about this, but what was "creepy" to me about the story was the way it pitted nerdy male Zuckerberg against "nice" female Sandberg.

Maybe the repeats got the best results in the first five sets of trials so they brought them back and pitted them against each other as well as the traditional rotary phone number arrangement in round six.

It probably wouldn't completely solve the problem, for example in the obvious scenario where a group of older kids screw with younger kids outside of school, but at least it solves the horrendous problem we have today where, as I described above, almost an entire class is pitted against a kid.> do we really want the next generation to grow up thinking that fighting is OK?

Pitted definitions


pitted with cell-like cavities (as a honeycomb)

See also: alveolate faveolate cavitied honeycombed