Honeycombed in a sentence as an adjective

I see those honeycombed mice and I automatically mentally fill all the holes with finger-crud and dust.

I guess it's some form of honeycombed rock with lots of little pockets, presumably lava that has rolled over seabed, so not really "attached".

It was not, he declares, anything connected with the cubes and caves of those echoing, vaporous, wormily-honeycombed mountains of madness which we crossed; but a single fantastic, demoniac glimpse, among the churning zenith-clouds, of what lay back of those other violet westward mountains which the Old Ones had shunned and feared.

Remember, these were written in 1970, but I leave it to the reader to decide if these quotes a prescient, insightful, or absurd:The techno-societies, far from being drab and homogenized, are honeycombed with just such colorful groupingsā€”hippies and hot rodders, theosophists and flying saucer fans, skindivers and skydivers, homosexuals, computerniks, vegetarians, bodybuilders and Black Muslims... Today the hammerblows of the super-industrial revolution are literally splintering the society.

Honeycombed definitions


pitted with cell-like cavities (as a honeycomb)

See also: alveolate faveolate cavitied pitted