Pitcher in a sentence as a noun

It could have as easily been a pitcher and glass and would have satisfied the want.

No remembering to refill a pitcher, just a little extra spigot on your sink.

I drink a lot of tea...47 year old woman...drank a pitcher of tea made from at least 100 tea bags daily, for 17 yearsWhew, not even close.

That's like suggesting a MLB pitcher becomes an MLB pitcher just by throwing a ball over and over again.

" That very busy, selective individual probably has friends who are less mobbed by pitchers.

When I think of a good ol' fashioned lemonade stand, I think of kids picking lemons and mixing up a big pitcher of homemade lemonade.

But since the A's don't have a pitcher that can hit that spot with near-100mph heat reliably, the Tigers were able to take advantage of a few location misses.

Or moves the cream behind the counter, slowing down everybody who needs it. Or switches from the pitcher to the single-serving thingies, increasing cost and waste, so they can more easily refuse to give you one.

However, this part seems a new one on me:"Rob would simply go to the pitcher, shake it once, and pour a delicious meal for himself"Delicious?

All of this magnifies the value of top pitchers since it allows them to pitch a greater percentage of games, pitch longer in those games and pitch more effectively in those games.

> "When a major league baseball pitcher throws a 95-mph fastball, only about 400 milliseconds—the duration of a blink—pass before the ball rockets over the plate.

To understand the sentence as written, the only requirement is that you recognize that "pitcher" is a different word than "first base".Perhaps you just like feeling indignant?

Spends half the time on the far side of the pitcher from the homeplate umpire, but he is only occluded from the homeplate umpire by the pitcher for a very short amount of time.

So the only time I would berate a pitcher or get on a pitcher would be when I felt like they were pitching scared on the mound and that they were trying to avoid contact because they were afraid of what was going to happen.

Your argument is equivalent to telling everyone to forget about minimum wage jobs and practice throwing curveballs, on the off chance that they can score a position as a pitcher in the major leagues.

So hypothetically if you have a very busy person who is mobbed by a lot of cold pitches, they might have a bit of pitch fatigue and assume that anybody cold pitching them is likely about as good a fit as the average cold pitcher, which is to say "total waste of my time.

Pitcher definitions


(baseball) the person who does the pitching; "our pitcher has a sore arm"

See also: hurler twirler


an open vessel with a handle and a spout for pouring

See also: ewer


the quantity contained in a pitcher

See also: pitcherful


(botany) a leaf that that is modified in such a way as to resemble a pitcher or ewer


the position on a baseball team of the player who throws the ball for a batter to try to hit; "he has played every position except pitcher"; "they have a southpaw on the mound"

See also: mound