Pillaging in a sentence as a noun

Millions more would pour out into the countryside, looting and pillaging.

You've found a gold mine and you're essentially pillaging it - who cares if you're inefficient.

Do you hear the british complaining about the Roman's pillaging the country side?

It's not like he is pillaging the original databases and leaves them burning.

The raiding and pillaging was probably more to do with societal factors than genetics.

The stress of subordination stokes the r-drive which would, in 700 AD, be inclined to rape and pillage, and with probably less of the pillaging.

Selling weapons to the enemy, wholesale massacre of civillians and pillaging is a slap on the wrist.

The whole point of the conquest of the Americas was pillaging and exploiting the new continent by and for the European nations.

> hint: it was based on pirating their national and human resourcesAnd why was England capable of pillaging whole continents?

You really recommend lending money, part of which, in the big scheme of things, was indirectly sourced from pillaging Africa?Judging from your profile you are Danish.

The government can't be counted on to fully fund retirement benefits without pillaging the pile of cash, as the example in most American states shows.

Pillaging definitions


the act of stealing valuable things from a place; "the plundering of the Parthenon"; "his plundering of the great authors"

See also: plundering pillage