Pill in a sentence as a noun

The same pill that used to cost 10 cents now costs $5/pill to me here in the US.

I am on a pill called Colchicine that I have to take 3 times a day for life.

And yet, nobody takes the red pill and opts out of the illusion.

If anyone feels better, sing praises, and if anyone get worse, give them more sugar pills.

In America, we want a magic pill, but the truth is that some things are just hard.

I've known women who say they're on the pill just because they didn't wanna use/buy condoms.

Well, I've got this miracle pill here that will not only make it go away, but it will also taste great.

The question is then; in a two party system where both offer the blue pill, who the **** do you vote for?

And it turns out that this medication is not as effective as the generic that would cost $2 per pill.

I would advise anyone feeling this way to take a chill pill and remember why they took up programming in the first place.

As a result, the remembered event was associated with the positive feelings triggered by the pill.

Intellectual Ventures is now the bitter pill tech giants have to swallow to maintain their intellectual monopolies.

The article reports, "Turner said a 'magic pill' that reverses ageing is several years away, partially due to the cost of the compound, which would be about $50,000 a day for a human.

The reason is placebos are receiving meta enhancement!At first the placebo effect only had working for it the patients hope that they might be receiving the treatment pill and might get better.

It's a Khunian revolution out of "the pill and the scalpel" mindset and into a deeper understanding of root causes of wide classes of disease and general unhealthiness in 21st century society.

Pill definitions


something that resembles a tablet of medicine in shape or size


a dose of medicine in the form of a small pellet

See also: lozenge tablet


a unpleasant or tiresome person


something unpleasant or offensive that must be tolerated or endured; "his competitor's success was a bitter pill to take"


a contraceptive in the form of a pill containing estrogen and progestin to inhibit ovulation and so prevent conception

See also: anovulant