Photic in a sentence as an adjective

Many deep-sea fishes have buoyant eggs and larvae that can reach the photic zone.

It linked to something that applies to me: the photic sneeze reflex.

I have photic sneeze reflex, hypnic jerk, and TIL exploding head syndrome.

I also have photic sneeze reflex but it only happens once per day when I expose myself to direct sunlight.

I ask as if you will actually know lol, apparently 80% of us have deviated septum's and there's a direct correlation between that and photic sneezers.

"Slow wave photic stimulation in the treatment of headache--a preliminary report.

"EEG-driven photic stimulation effect on plasma cortisol and beta-endorphin.

" Interaction between intermittent photic stimulation and auditory stimulation on the human EEG.

A partial answer came two millennia later, when the English natural philosopher Francis Bacon showed that his photic sneeze had nothing to do with heat at all: if he closed his eyes when going into the sun, he didn't sneeze even though the heat was still there.

But at the risk of sounding callous, it's kind of good news for humans and our critical ecosystem services: these very deep ocean regions are relatively isolated from most seafood eaten by humans, and from the photic zone whose photosynthesis is an important part of the carbon cycle.

Since melatonin enhancement or suppression is reported to be closely related to the photic information from retina, in this paper, we aim further to study both the lighting condition and the emotional self-regulation in different lighting conditions together with their effects on the production of human melatonin.

Photic definitions


of or relating to or caused by light